Friday, 31 January 2025

What has our David been doing and saying?

"ACT says it would aim to halve the more than 6000 staff at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).

It would also immediately shut down work on several government projects if elected to government, saying this could save more than $1 billion.

The projects include Three Waters, fees-free tertiary study, growth and development grants, the provincial growth fund, Auckland Light Rail, Callaghan Innovation...." Radio NZ.

While everyone is talking about Mr President, there's a tsunami of pain and loss being inaugurated in NZ. David has decided that he needs to claw back some money. Sure, one billion dollars is a lot for a country that has GDP of just $270  billion. To put that in perspective NZ spends 40 million on social welfare payments, half of which is superannuation. Peanuts really. $5 billion on defense, which at about 2% of GDP is considered low and compares to Europe. The USA spend about 5% of their 25 trillion GDP. Russia about 40%! 

Anyway David is chopping a lot of this country's top scientists. A lot have already been given notice. There'll be few jobs for them here so I assume most will have to go overseas.

Now read what he says below on his Facebook page.

We are in good hands.


  1. Of course I'm worried and have been since this stuffed turkey came to Parliament.
    He is a divisive force not unlike Trump and panders to wealth and privilege where he gets his votes from.
    Along with his other stupid ideas that are upsetting most people is his idea to privatise government asses. This idiocy was done back in the 1980s when Roger Douglas sold off the railways cheap only for millionaires like Michael Fay and David Richwhite to buy, asset strip and sell back to the government later making mega millions on the way through.
    No. David Seymour can go to hell along with Donald Trump.

  2. "Along with his other stupid ideas that are upsetting most people is his idea to privatise government asses."
    Proofreading is important.

    1. Actually it reads OK. Privatising (again) government asses like Chris Luxon is not a bad idea.


Have you flossed today?

What has our David been doing and saying?

"ACT says it would aim to halve the more than 6000 staff at the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). It would also i...