Thursday, 6 March 2025

hell...the last judgement

DeStefano...we don't know what time feels like for a soul. Change exists so there must be some version of time. We don't know how they experience time. 

The last judgement will be public. Christ will return as the almighty judge. It will be like the particular. The same judgement will be given. The damned will want hell. The just heaven. We will agree with the sentence. In a flash everyone will know everything about themselves and others. We will be told the meaning of life. Think of all the hidden evils. These will be revealed and judged. Truth must be told. The scales of justice must be balanced . The sheep's and goats will be separated. We will be changed. We will have physical bodies. An immortal body. We will be whole human beings. Soul and body. We will not be angels in heaven nor demons in hell. When Jesus rose from death, he breathed, talked, and had a beating heart. This heart still beats in heaven. Our bodies will he glorified with special powers. The body will obey the soul. The body will be able to live forever, with joy and see God face to face. We will hug and kiss our beloved relatives again. The souls in hell likewise will have immortal bodies. But it will just be the remains of the person. Minus all that is good.


  1. How does DeStefano know all this? I bet he's just making it all up, along with some bad grammar.


  2. I suppose if you read enough of 2000 years of Catholic Theolo...guys that know about this stuff...and read the scriptures thoughtfully....I did this mostly for my own records in note form....hence grandma.

  3. Hence grandma???


  4. Grandma's a bit off. Not up to the usual impeccable wordiness.

  5. Oh, it was the old grammar joke.



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