Thursday, 20 February 2025

Wot my Queen Mary says to me.

Source: "The Mystical City of God" Maria if Agrada.

I watched a talk by an exorcist on YouTube last night. At the beginning of creation when God created the "billions and billions" of angels a portion of them were designed to serve Mary, he said. This was not just a few. But a whole hierarchy of at least thousands. Mary of Agrada describes Mary as having legions of angels too (at the birth of Jesus and afterwards, probably before). 
The exorcist described encountering, in a possessed person, the angel designed to be the leader of Mary's special angels. He had refused and chosen to follow the damned angels to eternal torment. His reasons were not that obvious. It was to do with Mary's sanctity and virtue. Mary's disposition to give without question or thought of herself is most pleasing to God. We weigh up and check our bank balance first, considering outgoings and income. Evidently she gave away most of the treasures from the three wise kings;I imagine she kept some for the wellbeing of her husband and son. He said that the greatest event of all time was the virtuous Mary standing under the crucified Christ! To be honest I don't really understand that,  but that's what the demon said and like good  angels they are much cleverer than us mortals, being just pure intellect.

Have fun boys and don't sin.


  1. I don’t understand either and it’s not because I’m a “mortal” nor because I’m not clever enough to.


  2. Maybe you need to read more of the writings of the Saints.

    1. Like that nutter from Agreda?
      Give me a break.

    2. "They will yield thorns instead of fruit, great insults for benefits, and base ingratitude for my unbounded and generous mercy; and the end of all these evils will be for them the privation of my vision in eternal torments. "
      God talking to Mary.(Mystical city of God).

  3. On a happier note, Jack Reacher series 3 comes out today on Prime.

  4. Thanks. I watched about halfway through the first series. I'll have to catch up.

    1. Though to be honest I find Mr Reacher a tad violent. Bear Grylls is more my cup of tea.

  5. He prefers just Reacher. Not Mr Reacher.


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