Thursday, 27 February 2025

Hell: The moment of death

We must all pass through this door. For some it is a thing of fear, for others liberation. Annihilation is not an option.
It is the separation of the soul from the body. Humans are hybrid creatures being both body and soul. Most religions infer the existence of a soul. The departure of the soul means death. The soul animates the body. Of course the soul leaving does not course death. It is the failure of the body to function that initiates the soul to leave. Humans beings are perfect combinations of body and soul. So when the soul leaves the body goes inert and would die. Spirits are immortal and never die. So to us the soul is immortal.
We all have the seeds for cruelty. But as long as we live we have the capacity to receive grace. Grace pulls us back on the right path. To repent. But some times we refuse to admit fault and apologize. Sometimes we are stubborn and wrong. Sometimes it feels good to be upset. This shuts the door to grace. We don't want to change. Like the angels our soul cannot change. Choice has stopped. It lives as pure spirit. It cannot reverse course. It doesn't have the luxury of an indecisive brain. The soul sees all the facts, it has made a permanent choice. For all eternity. The state of our soul at death is where we are for all eternity. Once death comes all processes of deliberation end abruptly. As humans we make our decisions in slow motion. But it is the decision we have arrived at by the time we die that counts. Like a tree that falls in the forest, wherever it hits the ground it stays.
Now let's take a look at the soul that goes to hell. The unfortunate individual hasn't just made a mistake. He hasn't just fallen to an occasional temptation. He has consciously made a series of choices to reject God and the gift of faith. He has also made the choice to do serious evil and persist in that evil. This person has continuously rejected God's will. When given the opportunity to repent he said "no".
Everytime we make a decision we are tipping something inside us toward good or evil. Continuos choices of  evil blacken the soul and make it relish hurt and harm. The more you choose evil the more evil you become. The more you choose good the more good you become. If a soul is lost its not through a want of trying on God's part. Everyone is given the opportunity of grace, of repentance.
At the moment of death all the help from grace stops. The time for mercy is over, the time for justice has begun. They are left alone with the result of their own free choice.Next the souls decision is fixed. A soul that has rejected God all his life is permanently now in that state. This is called "final inpenatence". This is the infamous sin that Christ spoke of in the gospel. The one that can never be forgiven, because the soul dies not want to be forgiven. The soul is locked into the same hatred of God's will that it had on earth.Then it falls...

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