Tuesday, 25 February 2025

Abandon hope all ye who enter here

Why would anyone want a guide to hell as in Dante's Inferno? People go there all the time. Gahina it is called, the place of eternal pain. Christ spoke eleven times about hell, describing it literally. In life only two destinations matter. Heaven and hell. So what is hell actually like?  What is evil? 
The study of hell begins in our own souls. Everyone suspects a link between evil and hell. What is evil? Some atheists deny it exists. But these same people are often the most evil!. Hitler and Stalin for example. Evil has to do with free choices. It is all around and in us. Even in commenters on blogs. Evil governments have killed countless people in the twentieth century. In cold methodical savagery. It doesn't make sense. Evil is the most visible of all realities. Only evil can be empirically proven. No one freely admits to being capable of evil. What dark secret thoughts do we harbour. What if we could act them out. What if your life fell apart. What if you were starving. Or oppositely if you had total control and unlimited power. There are a lot of evil people who never get the opportunity to work it out. Think about your inner capacity for evil. Do you take pleasure in another's downfall. Purposely hurting, communication that is hypocritical. The worst are where you persist regardless of the pain you are causing others. Have you ever wanted to be bitter and mean instead of light hearted and happy. Many of your thoughts are toxic. There is a Nazi in all of us. Contact the evil monsters inside yourself first before exploring hell itself!

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